- Operate gates up to 400 and 800 kg , all encoder controlled.
- Can fit magnetic limit-switches.
- Control board, with separate terminals and a display, for easier start-ups and diagnoses. Save up to 250 different users.
- On-board Rolling code and Key Code (Twin) radio decoding.
- The safety inputs can be configured to directly control the 8k2Ω resistive sensitive-safety edges.
- Control Rio-series wireless safety-devices via the specific plug-in device.
- Self-diagnosing safety devices – whether wireless or not.
- Devices designed for connecting to the cloud, via CAME Connect.
- Directly manage CAME keypads via the R800 accessory or connect up CAME transponder selectors via the R700 accessory.
Sliding Gates
Max. length of leaf (m): 14
Max. weight of leaf (kg): 400
Protection rating (IP): 54
Power supply (V – 50/60 Hz): 230AC
Power supply to motor (V): 230AC 50/60 Hz
Absorption (A): 2,6
Power (W): 200
Manouvering speed (m/min): 10,5
Duty/cycle (%): 30
Thrust (N): 300
Operating temperature (˚C): -20 ÷ +55
Motor’s heat protection (˚C): 150